Dis-Chem Specials from 01/11/2024 - New catalogue

Preview Dis-Chem - Festive Gift Guide 1 valid from 01/11/2024

Dis-Chem - Festive Gift Guide 1

01/11/2024 - 24/12/2024

3 days remaining

Browse through Dis-Chem - Festive Gift Guide 1 and get the latest online offers and deals.

Preview Dis-Chem - Extra Savings valid from 10/12/2024

Dis-Chem - Extra Savings

10/12/2024 - 12/01/2025

22 days remaining

Browse through Dis-Chem - Extra Savings and get the latest online offers and deals.

Preview Dis-Chem - Healthy Savings valid from 10/12/2024

Dis-Chem - Healthy Savings

10/12/2024 - 12/01/2025

22 days remaining

Browse through Dis-Chem - Healthy Savings and get the latest online offers and deals.

Preview Dis-Chem - New Year Savings valid from 10/12/2024

Dis-Chem - New Year Savings

10/12/2024 - 12/01/2025

22 days remaining

Browse through Dis-Chem - New Year Savings and get the latest online offers and deals.

Preview Dis-Chem - Living Fit valid from 10/12/2024

Dis-Chem - Living Fit

10/12/2024 - 31/03/2025

100 days remaining

Browse through Dis-Chem - Living Fit and get the latest online offers and deals.

Preview Dis-Chem - Better Magazine valid from 01/12/2024

Dis-Chem - Better Magazine

01/12/2024 - 31/12/2024

10 days remaining

Browse through Dis-Chem - Better Magazine and get the latest online offers and deals.

Preview Dis-Chem - Parents & Child Magazine valid from 01/12/2024

Dis-Chem - Parents & Child Magazine

01/12/2024 - 31/12/2024

10 days remaining

Browse through Dis-Chem - Parents & Child Magazine and get the latest online offers and deals.

Preview Dis-Chem - Festive Gift Guide 2 valid from 25/11/2024

Dis-Chem - Festive Gift Guide 2

25/11/2024 - 24/12/2024

3 days remaining

Browse through Dis-Chem - Festive Gift Guide 2 and get the latest online offers and deals.

Preview Dis-Chem - HomeCare Catalogue valid from 11/09/2024

Dis-Chem - HomeCare Catalogue

11/09/2024 - 31/12/2024

10 days remaining

Browse through Dis-Chem - HomeCare Catalogue and get the latest online offers and deals.


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